Pastor Darryl and Melinda Freeman

Pastor Darryl & Melinda Freeman

Pastor Freeman received the Holy Spirit baptism in 1977. He was called to the ministry in his late teens and soon began teaching Sunday School, working in Youth Ministries and making himself available to his pastor working around the church. He preached his first sermon in 1984.

Pastor Freeman has served the kingdom of God in various ministries including Sunday School Teacher, Youth Pastor, Assistant Pastor, Bible Study Teacher, Pastor, District Missions Director, District Paper Editor & more. He has always believed in making himself available to God and his Pastor and doing what was asked of him. After serving in ministry for several years he was licensed with the United Pentecostal Church in 1994 and moved to Alabama the same year. He received his Ordination in 2008.

In 2006, after answering the call of God, Pastor Freeman along with his wife Melinda, and young children Amberlin and Andrew, moved to Greenville, Alabama to plant a new church for the kingdom of God. In 2006, they began teaching many home bible studies and in 2007 became the founding pastor of Lighthouse Pentecostal Church. Services began on January 21, 2007 in a storefront then soon moved to the Pastor's home. During that first year 9 were baptized in Jesus' Name and received the Holy Spirit. It wasn't long until God began to open doors and Greenville was selected as the recipient of the Alabama District UPCI's first church-in-a-day project. In October 2007, with nearly 300 precious saints from around the state, a 3,000 sq. ft. building was erected in one weekend.

In 2012, Lighthouse began the process of building bigger facilities including several classrooms and sanctuary with room to grow.  After several years of raising funds, growing with the blessing of the Lord, a faithful, giving, dedicated church family and many volunteers, they moved into their new sanctuary in October 2023. One of the first services to be held was their 10th anniversary of the annual Reflect Youth Conference, filling the house of God with worshipping youth and adults.

Today, Lighthouse Church sits on 20 beautiful acres and is poised for tremendous growth and excited at what God has done and what is yet to happen. To God be the Glory!!

First Lady Melinda or "Lolly" as she is affectionately known, serves faithfully alongside her husband as minister, musician, singer, prayer warrior as well as serving on the Ladies Ministries team for the Alabama District UPCI. She received the Holy Spirt and Baptized in Jesus' Name at the age of 12. They have been married for over 36 years and have been blessed with 2 married children and 3 grands.